
Bone Grafting

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon located in Chattanooga, TN

Bone Grafting

If your jawbone is weak due to bone loss, a traumatic injury, or a condition affecting its structure, a bone graft can restore its strength, durability, and shape. Oral and maxillofacial surgeon Brandon Cannon, DDS, is highly trained in performing major and minor bone grafting at Cannon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Chattanooga, Tennessee. To find out if you need a bone graft before dental implants or to improve your jaw’s structure, call Cannon Oral Surgery or book a consultation online today.

Bone Grafting Q&A

What is bone grafting?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure you might need before you get dental implants. Dr. Cannon builds up the bone mass in your jaw during bone grafting to make a more sturdy base for a titanium dental implant. 

To determine whether or not bone grafting is necessary for you, Dr. Cannon uses 3D cone beam computed tomography (CT) scans to evaluate your jawbone structure. If you require a bone graft before getting dental implants, he helps you choose between:

  • Your own bone (from your hip, chin, leg, or skull)
  • Human cadaver bone
  • Bovine (cow) sources
  • Synthetic grafting materials

With modern advancements in bone grafting, you can stimulate natural bone growth in the grafted area. This improves your chances of successful implant placement and a functional smile thereafter.

In addition to pre-implant bone grafts, Dr. Cannon provides ridge augmentation. Ridge augmentation involves placing bone grafting material immediately after a tooth extraction to preserve the bone structure before it has a chance to deteriorate.

Why do I need bone grafting?

Your jawbone needs stimulation from chewing and biting to maintain its structure and durability. If you lose a tooth and its root, that part of your jawbone no longer receives such stimulation. Your body reallocates the minerals from that section of your jaw to other parts of your body that need them more.

This process results in the weakening and deterioration of your jawbone. Without a bone graft and dental implants, this can eventually lead to:

  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain
  • Headaches
  • A sunken facial shape
  • Speech problems
  • Tooth damage
  • Nutritional deficiencies

You may have some bone loss even if you don’t experience symptoms like these just yet. That’s why it’s important to consult with Dr. Cannon before an implant procedure so he can take X-ray images of your jawbone to refer to while planning your surgery.

What’s the difference between major and minor bone grafting?

At Cannon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Cannon offers both major and minor bone grafting. You might need:

Minor bone grafting

Minor bone grafting accounts for most bone grafting procedures. It’s the necessary option if you’re getting dental implants and must rebuild the structure of your jawbone in preparation.

Major bone grafting

Major bone grafting is necessary when traumatic injuries, cysts, tumors, or congenital abnormalities affect your jawbone’s structure. Dr. Cannon plans these complex procedures extensively to help you reach a favorable result.

If you’re interested in dental implants or have an injury or condition that affects your jawbone structure, call Cannon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery or book a consultation online today.